Friday 8 June 2012


The village of Iruya must be one of the most isolated spots in Northern Argentina. There is just one dirt road leading in, which snakes over a 4000m pass before descending through a seemingly endless series of switchbacks to the village (2780m above sea level); despite being just 55 odd kilometres from Humahuaca, the trip took over 3 hours.

The day we arrived it was bitterly cold, the clouds having descended to street level. We spent the day not so bravely huddled under three llama blankets, emerging briefly for dinner, before diving back under the covers. The hostess of our Casa Familia did some washing that afternoon and hung it out on the clothesline- the following morning we found it frozen solid…making us feel at least a little bit justified in our hibernation.

The next morning the sun eventually made an appearance, transforming the gloomy valley & craggy peaks into a beautiful, colourful vista on all sides.


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