Tuesday 19 February 2013

Don’t worry, be happy.

Diving off a yacht into the turquoise waters of the Caribbean and swimming to a deserted island is about as good as it gets I have to say. Actually, I take it back…doing all that and then returning to find fresh lobster for dinner is as good as it gets.

Sailing from Cartagena to Panama is probably the best decision we’ve made since leaving Australia. We had an awesome group, the scenery was insanely beautiful and we had a freaking ball. The winds were behind us and we made it to the San Blas archipelago in record time- 26 hours- meaning we scored extra time cruising the calm lagoons and exploring sparsely populated islands of often just one indigenous Kuna family.  
Sorry, I’m trying not to sound smug but seriously….it was like living in a Conde Nast brochure for five days.

We were blessed with a group of eighteen like-minded people who didn’t mind the odd beer and necked rum with abandon. By day we swam, kayaked, snorkelled, drank rum and talked shit. At night we had fires on the beach, boogied to sweet tunes provided by DJ Sushi and drank more rum. Repeat. End to fade.

To say the captain was eccentric would be the biggest understatement ever made. It would take too long to explain fully and to be honest, I still don’t understand what the fuck he was talking about for the most part….so I’ll just sum up the most important points.

  1. Petroleum comes from Venus and was deposited on Earth in the time of Moses (!)
  2. The Roman Empire is a myth made up by the Catholic Church in order to justify their money-grubbing. Never existed.
  3. Adam (yep, of Eden fame) actually lived to 930 years of age and since his time people have been dying earlier (poor old Moses only made it to 120). The Bible is historically accurate (though strangely he didn’t call himself Christian)
  4. Here’s the clincher…evolution is absolutely false. You know all that scientific evidence supporting Darwin’s theory? All doctored, all a load of rubbish.

WTF doesn’t really begin to cover it does it? Still, he kept us afloat and was nothing if not entertaining so he has all my thanks.

So although it was a bit of an expensive outlay ($550 odd bucks for the trip and I dare not think how much extra money we poured into beer & rum supplies) it was worth every fucking penny and I would pay it again in a heartbeat. If you ever get the chance, take it.

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