Monday 12 August 2013

The Rum Diaries Part XLIV

The problem with working again is that suddenly we feel like it's ok to splash money around on crap we really don't need. 

Like a bottle of Venezuelan Diplomatico Reserva 8 Años...

While it is easy enough to justify a $6 bottle of rum in Central America, it's a bit of a stretch to rationalize spending €25 on rum in Holland. Luckily we are very good at rationalizing otherwise questionable choices...not to mention the rum was SERIOUSLY AMAZING. 

This one is right up there in the top five I reckon- in fact, it might even crack the top three. Smooth, amber goodness. Yum. 

And for anyone who thinks that all this rum can't be good for's a little something I learnt recently at a museum (ok, it was the Jenever Museum in Schiedam but it still counts as an educational facility): 

"A little alcohol makes the spirit sparkle"

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