Friday 25 October 2013

Bendy, throaty Mongolians

A random and last minute decision to check out some traditional Mongolian dance and music by the Tukem Ekh ensemble turned out to be the best $10 we could have spent! The contortionist alone was worth the dough (thanks to Google images for the pics- I was too busy picking my jaw up off the floor to contemplate photography)...


But the music was also surprisingly good- the instrumentals strangely reminiscent of bluegrass or perhaps Irish folk music. 

We went there specifically to see some Mongolian Throat Singing- which until this morning I had never heard of. Check out this snatch of video taken from the Lonely Planet series to see what it's all about:

The sounds the 'singers' produce are truly bizarre- deep bass that you can feel in your chest cavity and strange, high whistling noises that sound like nothing human. Call me crazy, but I like it. Here's some more if you do too. 

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