Friday 28 February 2014

The Rum Diaries Part XLVI

Happy birthday Martijn!!! We've been trying to tighten our belts a little over the last month or two, in an effort to stretch our funds through the Melbourne winter, but hey, a birthday is a birthday and it seemed like a good excuse to buy a bottle of insanely strong rum. 

St James Rhum Agricole is produced on the French-Caribbean island of Martinique and comes in at a whopping 45%, which at least meant we couldn't do our usual trick and down the bottle in a night or two. 

Rhum Agricole is the French term for rum that derives from freshly squeezed sugarcane juice, as opposed to the usual base of molasses. Most of the rum produced on Martinque is distilled to 70% and then watered down to around 45-55%- rather eye-watering after the comparatively mellow 35% of some Latin American rum!!

The alcohol content means the rum is slightly rough neat- even Martijn has consented to an ice cube with this one, and I need a healthy dash of soda not to turn into a gibbering mess after one glass. In other words, we like it :)

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