Friday 11 April 2014

The Rum Diaries 'L' Golden Jubilee Edition (that's 50 folks)

It makes me quite proud to be able to look back over the last two years and view our accomplishments through the prism of fifty rum bottles. 

The lucky number fifty is yet another of Myanmar's finest- this time their Mandalay Export Quality. Another 43%-er that we brought over the border for the very purpose of enjoying on a balcony somewhere in Thailand. And so we did. 

Much like CUB beers, despite Mandalay rum's various guises it all tastes much the same. Unlike CUB beer, that's not a bad thing. Since we were lushing it up on a balcony overlooking the Andaman Sea, we decided to get fancy and order a bucket of ice and soda water. And I'm pleased to say that we were able to stretch this tiny little 640ml bottle out over three nights (and three glorious sunsets). We must be growing up. 

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