Saturday 10 May 2014

Because the best travel stories are horror travel stories...

I just got back from a visit to the local medical clinic here on Ko Samui, after spending the last few days gazing worriedly at a line snaking its way across my belly, much like a tiny little mole was burrowing his way to my belly button. 

Turns out it's not a mole; it's a parasite!!! Who would have thought that after traipsing through South American jungles, swimming in Amazonian rivers, sleeping on the ground in Laotian rainforests and eating at questionable market stalls the world over I would finally pick up a pet in sanitized Ko Samui?

I feel almost maternal about my first ever parasite- I'm going to call him Tony after that other great parasite currently leading Australia. Wouldn't it be nice if seven little white pills were all it took to get rid of him too?

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