Wednesday 13 August 2014

The Art of Honking

When someone honks their horn in Australia, it pretty much means one thing: fuck you arsehole, get the fuck out of my way- and is almost always accompanied by a demonstrative finger gesture.

However in many other parts of the world, they employ a highly nuanced and sophisticated range of honking, tooting, beeping and blaring to convey a range of complex communications; such as: 

1. "Hello!! I am coming up behind you and don't wish to startle you!"
2. "Excuse me, I am about to overtake you" 
3. "Not a problem fellow road-user! Please proceed with caution and try not to hit that cow"
4. "Sorry!! I know I am in your lane, but there was an opportunity to overtake on a blind corner and (chuckle) I simply couldn't resist!"
5. "I am about to change lanes and I thought I'd save you the trouble of using your rearview mirror!"

Plus a whole range of other subtleties that I am still trying to fathom. In fact, about the only time the horn is not used is in anger which makes road rules very easy to learn!!

Do whatever you think is best under the circumstances but for god's sake, HONK, just to let everyone know what it is you're up to. 

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