Sunday 28 October 2012

The Rum Diaries Part XV

For this entry, I think a bit of calypso is required so if you wouldn't mind just clicking on the link below....

Ready Mr. Music

I love Harry, he makes me want to limbo.

Anyway, Ron 100 Fuegos is a very tasty little rum from the party capital of the Caribbean, Trinidad and Tobago. We probably bought this bottle a little late in the evening for a critical review- but I do have to say it went down a treat as we classily swigged from the bottle on the dancefloor at the free electronic music festival. Despite being sponsored by Miller (ick) organisers had no problem with people bringing their own booze (guess they've tasted Miller) so there were many bottles of rum, vodka and god knows what else being passed around.

1 comment:

  1. I am dancing in my chair at work as best I can! Go limbo!
