Sunday 11 November 2012

Ecuador; land of inactivity

That is probably a little unfair to Ecuador since it's really us who have been shamefully inactive...but when I look back at our time in South America I think Ecuador will stand out for being the place where we achieved fuck all. Not counting some seriously successful rum diaries of course.
After Cuenca we headed to the coast for some sun & surf, only to be somewhat disapointed by a complete lack of sun and rather average surf. We still managed to hang out in Puerto Lopez for almost a week, eating seafood & experimenting with juice combos (watermelon & pineapple rocks). We did manage to head out to the 'poor man's Galapagos', Isla de la Plata, and see some boobies (of the bird, not hooter variety):
Blue-footed Booby
Nazca Booby

After Puerto Lopez we took the bus further up north to Canoa, which must be one of the easiest places in the world to do nothing. Beautiful beach, very laid back vibe and copious numbers of palm-frond thatched bars in which to while away the sunset hours (and beyond). We also found a like minded group of travellers with which to indulge, so many a dollar was spent on beer & caipirinha and many a morning was slept away. We tried to do sea-kayaking to visit a nearby cave...really we did!!! But the weather was against us and the kayaking never happened.
Our next stop is Baños where we are going to attempt to break the cycle and have something other than beachside cocktails  & arroz con mariscos to remember Ecuador by.

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