Wednesday 6 March 2013

When two becomes four...

I’ve been trying to remember who sings that ‘2 becomes 1’ song all day and now that I’ve googled it and discovered it’s by the Spice Girls, my blog title feels a little lame…but whatever, it’s too late now. Considering I’ve been singing Phil Collins for the last week I guess the Spice Girls isn’t exactly a huge step down.

So the whole point of the title is that we have travelling buddies now!! Peter & Leontien arrived into Panama City last Sunday and now we have playmates!!!

We kicked off with a flying visit to the Panama Canal, which was more interesting than I thought it would be, and is apparently almost as popular as Machu Picchu!! There were probably 600 hundred people there when we arrived, all filming the incredibly slow-moving passage of a cargo ship through the lock…man, do I feel sorry for their families and friends. Yawn. I bet they’re gonna miss slide night.


Next up we hurtled cross country to Boquete in the Chiriqui province, nominated one of the world’s best places to retire by Old Fuckers Monthly and consequently home to a large community of gray haired Americans.
To be fair I can understand the appeal- gorgeous scenery, rheumatism-friendly climate and last but not least….


The Explorador private garden, which the Lonely Planet generously describes as “something out of Alice in Wonderland” but is probably better described as “some old lady’s slightly eccentric pastime”.

I took away many, many ideas for my own descent into eccentric old ladydom.
We also celebrated Peter's birthday the traditional Panamenian way...

with beer and nacho's...and a bit of painting (well, Peter painted...we drank beer and gave moral support, along with the local kiddiwinkles)


So far life as a foursome has been highly successful!!!


  1. That looks like a serious plate of nachos! But I thought nachos were a tex mex thing, not actually found south of the border?

  2. Nacho's are found everywhere gringo's are found : ) Happily.
