Sunday 14 April 2013

The Rum Diaries Part XXXI

*Note: due to some rather poor counting on my behalf this post was written under the impression that this was the thirtieth bottle of rum tested so far...turns out we are a bottle ahead and this is really number 31!!

Woohoo, the big 3-0. It's probably worth mentioning that this bottle was consumed about 3 weeks ago, so don't get the wrong idea when I follow this one up immediately with number 31 ok? It's not like we're pissheads or anything.
Ron Plata is made by the same genius who brought us Flor de Caña but is definitely the povo cousin in the rum family tree. Don’t get me wrong, it’s a pretty decent drop (especially at three to four dollars a bottle!) but it ain’t Flor de Caña. Good one to pick up for those nights of downing bottles in the plaza though...which, sadly, is what it often comes down to.

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