Tuesday 18 June 2013

In which Russian turns out to be rather difficult

As it turns out, Russian is quite a hard language to learn. 

I think I could just about get over the whole Cyrillic thing, if it wasn't for the fact that some letters, whilst looking maddeningly like their English counterparts, turn out to have a completely different pronunciation. 

H- pronounced 'n' as in 'no'
P- pronounced 'r' as in 'run' 
Y- pronounced 'oo' as in 'boot'

It has taken me the last hour and a half to get the alphabet down (sort of) and muddle my way through numbers one to ten. Dutch is starting to look more appealing. 

In addition to learning the basics I'm going to memorize a few choice phrases which we're going to be using a lot.

Мы не говорим по-русски- we don't speak Russian
У вас есть водка?- Do you have vodka?

You bet your ass we've got vodka!!!!

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