Monday 3 June 2013

The Rum Diaries Part XLI

Ok, don't worry, we are almost finished with the Cuban Rum least, the ones we drank on Cuban soil. There will be a few delayed entries from the multiple bottles we brought with us to Holland (cost-saving measures for pricey Europe).

We left steaming hot Santiago de Cuba for the slightly cooler town of Baracoa, located on the Bahia de Miel (Bay of Honey) and completely encircled by mountain ranges. 

The country side around the city is beautiful; it's just a shame you can't appreciate the many lovely views free of charge. For a communist country, Cubans are remarkably adept at parting you from your money. 

Enjoy the view. It cost us CUC$2 per person to look at it
We found our next bottle of rum at the local Casa de la Trova in town. A Cuban guy nearby was drinking it and we asked him what it was. The owner didn't look too impressed when we asked for the same- I think they make a bit more money off Havana Club- but we were very impressed indeed!

Los Marinos Paticruzados (Cross-legged sailors) is a rum made in Santiago de Cuba and sold for the measly price of CUC$1 per half bottle. At about one-fifth of the price of Havana Club or similar it's the cheapest rum we drank in Cuba- and was surprisingly good. Go under-the-counter rum!!

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