Saturday 26 May 2012

25 de Mayo en Cafayate

Today is recovery day after a big day of beer drinking yesterday at Cafayate's 25 de Mayo celebrations! We went to get icecream this afternoon (torrontes flavoured icecream- hey, when in wine-country...) and some random asked us if we had hangovers and did we enjoy the party last night. Guess we looked like we were having a good time : )

25 May is a public holiday in Argentina in commemoration of the revolution that led to Argentina's independence from Spain so all day long there were many cries of 'Viva la patria'. We went over to check out the town festival around lunchtime- the rodeo was supposed to start at 2ish. True to form everything kicked off about 2 hours after the advertised times so by the time they finally got it together for the rodeo we were slightly pissed.

All the local men were in their gaucho gear- high leather boots, vests & cowboy hats or berets. The locals were getting into the classic red wine & coke cocktail so beloved of drinkers of cheap & shitty wine the world over. It's weird that here in the heart of wine country, most people still drink tetra-pack containers of wine...I guess sometimes it's all about quantity!

Look!! There are bogans in Argentina too!
Once the sun went down the live music began and the beer started flowing even more freely. Martijn and I were soon snatched from the safety of the sidelines by enthusiastic locals and danced in true gringo fashion!! At least I've now convinced Martijn that he has to dance with me- otherwise he's just prey for much more coordinated local girls.
Thursday we walked a few km's out of town to check out some pre-Colombian rock paintings and found Sebastian, a local who offered to guide us up to a series of waterfalls hidden in one of the folds of the mountain.

Lucky we had him since we would never have found the way ourselves- it was a beautiful walk but involved a lot of clambouring up, down, over rocks and crossing the river several times.


I have reverted to the closest South American equivalent for Heather, since everytime I tell someone my name they screw their nose up as if even attempting to say it will hurt. So all day long I heard 'muy bien Eva' as I successfully leapt across another stream or made it across a rock face without falling on my ass. Sure-footed as a mountain goat I am!!


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